Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Places-New Things

Hey y'all! My life has been pretty crazy lately, and I just realized it's been over a week since I have updated my blog. Last Saturday, I moved to Oxford, and I was cleaning/setting up my apartment and such things all week. I was kinda lonely at first, but at the same time, it was okay because I really needed a break and time to relax before starting to work with the Ole Miss band. (By the way, I don't know if I ever put that on here. I got a graduate assistant position with the Ole Miss band! YAY!) Sunday, I visited North Oxford Baptist. I really liked it there. I will probably go back, but I really want to visit First Baptist Oxford before making a final decision of where to make my "home-away-from-home" church.
I started my graduate assistant work, yesterday. I didn't have to be there until 1, and we had a meeting with the band staff and all of the graduate assistants. I kinda found out what I will be doing with the band. It's a lot of behind-the-scenes work. Today, we met at the band hall at 8, and all of the graduate assistants poured diesel on the practice field. This takes much much longer than spray painting lines; however, we only have to do it once a season-rather than once a week or so. I would prefer once a season.
I look forward to all that this position entails over the next year. I already am enjoying myself, and I'm glad I finally have friends in Oxford-even if I only see them at work, right now. I think I will end up liking it here.

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