Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Just an Update

I really don't have anything to say. I just logged onto here for the first time in almost a year. The last time I updated, I had just finished my first week as a TA with the Ole Miss band. Now, I have just finished up my first year. It has been a lot of fun but definitely a learning experience. I can't wait to see what happens during this next year. It'll definitely be entertaining. LET'S GO FOR IT!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Live in harmony with one another. Romans 12:16

I am glad to say that I survived my first week as a TA with the band. This past week, we had to diesel the field, organize music, organize uniforms, and take instrument inventory. I don't have a specific job, so I just roamed around and helped everyone else with their specific jobs. I mostly helped with uniforms, though. Saturday, the guard and percussion began camp. The TAs didn't have all that much to do since we had gotten a lot done this past week. However, this coming week is going to be crazy. We are going to have to be outside all day every day! I don't know how much I'm going to like that.
Be praying for me as I am preparing for my entrance exams. These really have nothing to do with me getting accepted. I have already been accepted. It just tells how many hours I have to take in certain areas. The more tests I pass=The less hours I take. The more tests I fail=The more hours I take. Also, I have wind ensemble try-outs coming up. I was undecided if I really wanted to audition, but the more I think about it, the more I want to be a part of the wind ensemble. Also, pray for no rain and not extremely hot weather this week during camp! Thanks guys for your friendship!!!

I went back to North Oxford this morning. I really enjoy this church. This morning the OM football team was there. There are a few of the coaches that attend NO, and they brought the entire team today. I'm glad the OM football team has Christian coaches.
In SS, we talked about Romans 12. We discussed how if everyone lived by these few verses, our world would have no problems because Jesus would be so alive in us and we'd be glowing because our love for Christ. So remember these verses this week and try to build your life around them.
Verses 9-21
"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be laking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. DO NOT BE CONCEITED.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord. On the contrary:
If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Places-New Things

Hey y'all! My life has been pretty crazy lately, and I just realized it's been over a week since I have updated my blog. Last Saturday, I moved to Oxford, and I was cleaning/setting up my apartment and such things all week. I was kinda lonely at first, but at the same time, it was okay because I really needed a break and time to relax before starting to work with the Ole Miss band. (By the way, I don't know if I ever put that on here. I got a graduate assistant position with the Ole Miss band! YAY!) Sunday, I visited North Oxford Baptist. I really liked it there. I will probably go back, but I really want to visit First Baptist Oxford before making a final decision of where to make my "home-away-from-home" church.
I started my graduate assistant work, yesterday. I didn't have to be there until 1, and we had a meeting with the band staff and all of the graduate assistants. I kinda found out what I will be doing with the band. It's a lot of behind-the-scenes work. Today, we met at the band hall at 8, and all of the graduate assistants poured diesel on the practice field. This takes much much longer than spray painting lines; however, we only have to do it once a season-rather than once a week or so. I would prefer once a season.
I look forward to all that this position entails over the next year. I already am enjoying myself, and I'm glad I finally have friends in Oxford-even if I only see them at work, right now. I think I will end up liking it here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I am rather exhausted. I just finished another week of band camp! It was a Clinton HS with Mr. Mangum. I taught the drum majors. My work was cut out for me, but they ended up looking pretty dang sweet by the end of camp! I am so proud of them! I look forward to seeing their show once it is fully developed. The title of their show is "The Way of The Arrow." They are the Clinton Arrows, and the music was specifically written for their band. It is kind of an Indian themed show. It's going to be rather exciting.
We went to a drum corps show, Wednesday night. It was incredible. I regret not ever trying out for drum corps before I aged out. It would have been so much fun. I personally like Phantom Regiment's show, this year. They were not necessarily the best corps, but the show was absolutely beautiful. The Cadets had an awesome show, too! It is called Toy Soldiers. It was probably the most entertaining show I have ever seen! I laughed the entire show! :D
I am moving to Oxford, tomorrow. I am ready for the moving to be over because I've been so busy the past two weeks. I am ready for my week off. I only have like 3 things to do next week. Other than that, I am going to catch up on my sleep and enjoy my new house.
I look forward to all of you coming to visit me! Call or text me when you get a chance, and we can catch up!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moving All Around the World

I am so darn tired. A week of band camp followed by a full day of moving is not a good combination. The only thing that could make this a worse combination would be to have another week of band camp followed by another weekend of moving.
Oh wait! I do have another week of band camp and another weekend of moving! How fun!?! Volunteers would be greatly appreciated! Although, I doubt anyone will show up to help move! HA! Luckily, I think my brother and a friend of his are going to help my parents and me move next weekend!
The first photo is a photo of our trailer loaded down with my stuff! The second is the table that I'm taking to Oxford. My new apartment doesn't have a place big enough for me to put my table, so I'm trading tables with Corey for the next 2 years. LOL.
NOTICE: My car is also packed full of stuff, AND there is more stuff in the barn that I moved home last weekend. 3 WEEKENDS OF MOVING!!! :D
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Sad story....
I got finished loading all of my stuff, and mom and dad decided to go eat. I was not hungry though, so I headed home. As soon as I got in the car (with all of my belongings), I plugged my iPod in and hit my little AUX button, so I could sing REALLY LOUD the entire way home. (one of my favorite things ever! and don't do it, too!) I hit the shuffle button...the music started...The name of the song....
"Graduation" by Vitamin C
"I keep thinking that it's not goodbye. I keep on thinking it's our time to fly!"

Genesis 13
Once again, I greatly identify with what is going on. First off, Abram and Lot are moving all around. I am also moving all around. (However, I believe these 2 boys were moving a lot more than I.)
At one point, Abram's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen were not getting along. Therefore, they decided to move away from each other to stop all of the quarreling. I remember growing up with Corey who is 5 years older than I am. We seemed to fight all of the time. We fought about everything. Matter of fact, up until about 2 years ago, there was still a hole in the bedroom wall from where Corey threw my head through the wall. Then, there came a day when Corey left for college. He was at Holmes CC, and we seemed to get along much better by not seeing each other everyday. Later, he moved to Texas. Being 18 hours away from your brother is hard. We grew much much closer during that time. Our quarreling ceased, and we were able to come friends and not just brothers. I know we don't always get along now, but being apart was one of the best things that ever happened to us.
Once Abram and Lot decided to part ways, Abram moved near Sodom. This is another verse that jumped out at me. "The men of Sodom were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." Put your town in that verse. "The men of KOSCIUSKO were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." One I really like is "The men of OXFORD were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." (GO STATE!) I know this is talking about a group of people-and we obviously can't control other peoples actions. BUT! What are you doing to influence those around you? How are you acting when you are around "the men of Kosciusko" or "the men of Oxford"..."Starkville"..."Jackson". Wherever you may be-Wherever you may move to-Wherever you are- How are you influencing those around you?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Run for your life!

Nothing too special happened today. Other than...I made some of the clarinets run today at band camp. I asked them to memorize a portion of their music, or they would have to run. For the first thing they had to pass off, 3 girls had to run around the school. And for the second thing they had to pass off, about 6 girls had to run around the school. They have more to pass off tomorrow. I feel that there will be several more having to run.
Also, I was beginning to feel that they were behind the rest of the band, but I went in to hear the flutes today at the end of their sectional, and they were about the same as the clarinets. That made me feel better that we are all on the same page

Genesis 12
The first 9 verses of this chapter remind me of myself. God is talking to Abram and tells him to leave his country and take everything he has. Move to this foreign land. Abram is told that all the people of the earth will be blessed because of him. After Abram leaves his homeland and travels around, he builds an alter at several places to worship the Lord.
I really connect with Abram tonight. God is asking me to leave my comfort zone. He asking me to leave Kosciusko (once again) and leave Starkville. I am being told by God to move to Oxford and make my life there for at least the next 2 years. I hope and pray that the people of Oxford and the students/staff of Ole Miss will be blessed because of the things that I do there. I pray that I am able to establish a place and time there that I can worship the Lord.

Now, verse 10 to the end of the chapter really confuses me. Abram takes his wife Sarai with him as he is traveling through Egypt. There they tell the Pharoah that Sarai is his sister. Pharoah takes Sarai into his palace. Because of Sarai being Abram's "sister", Abram is blessed. God gives Pharoah a disease and Sarai and Abram leave and end up safe.
What I don't understand is...Abram lies but is blessed with cattle, sheep, servants, etc. Why was Abram not punished because of this? Maybe it will come up in a later chapter....

How funny is it that I write a title on my blog before I write it each day before read my Bible and then it ends up having to do with what I read in the Bible.
Yesterday-"All Smiles"-I ended up talking about smiling at people.
Today-"Run for your life!"-Abram is moving all around the earth.
Wonder what will happen next!?!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I got some absolutely amazing news, today! It's still kind of on the down low for now. I'll let you guys know about it once everything is finalized. I'm Happy!!!
Band camp wasn't so band, today. I made several of the girls do 10 push-ups or 15 crunches for not being able to play their music. Tomorrow, they have to have a portion of the opener memorized. If they don't, I told them the entire section is going to have to run. However, there were 5 girls who didn't take home their clarinets. I'm kind of hoping that they are not able to play it, and I am going to work the crap out of them! I clearly told them at least 10 times that they are going to have to play their music memorized tomorrow or have to run! I don't understand why they would leave their clarinets at the school. That is a complete slap in the face, basically.

Genesis 11
v. 1 "Now the whole world had one language and a common speech." This reminds me of the saying "Music is the universal language."
v. 6-7 really cracks me up. It says that all of the people were speaking one language and God realized that for them nothing would be impossible. There would be no reason for the people to rely on him. Therefore, he scattered the people and gave all of the peoples different languages in order to confuse them! How funny!
My challenge for you is this: Try to communicate some over the next few days without words. You never know just how far a simple smile will go!