Thursday, July 22, 2010

Run for your life!

Nothing too special happened today. Other than...I made some of the clarinets run today at band camp. I asked them to memorize a portion of their music, or they would have to run. For the first thing they had to pass off, 3 girls had to run around the school. And for the second thing they had to pass off, about 6 girls had to run around the school. They have more to pass off tomorrow. I feel that there will be several more having to run.
Also, I was beginning to feel that they were behind the rest of the band, but I went in to hear the flutes today at the end of their sectional, and they were about the same as the clarinets. That made me feel better that we are all on the same page

Genesis 12
The first 9 verses of this chapter remind me of myself. God is talking to Abram and tells him to leave his country and take everything he has. Move to this foreign land. Abram is told that all the people of the earth will be blessed because of him. After Abram leaves his homeland and travels around, he builds an alter at several places to worship the Lord.
I really connect with Abram tonight. God is asking me to leave my comfort zone. He asking me to leave Kosciusko (once again) and leave Starkville. I am being told by God to move to Oxford and make my life there for at least the next 2 years. I hope and pray that the people of Oxford and the students/staff of Ole Miss will be blessed because of the things that I do there. I pray that I am able to establish a place and time there that I can worship the Lord.

Now, verse 10 to the end of the chapter really confuses me. Abram takes his wife Sarai with him as he is traveling through Egypt. There they tell the Pharoah that Sarai is his sister. Pharoah takes Sarai into his palace. Because of Sarai being Abram's "sister", Abram is blessed. God gives Pharoah a disease and Sarai and Abram leave and end up safe.
What I don't understand is...Abram lies but is blessed with cattle, sheep, servants, etc. Why was Abram not punished because of this? Maybe it will come up in a later chapter....

How funny is it that I write a title on my blog before I write it each day before read my Bible and then it ends up having to do with what I read in the Bible.
Yesterday-"All Smiles"-I ended up talking about smiling at people.
Today-"Run for your life!"-Abram is moving all around the earth.
Wonder what will happen next!?!

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