Monday, July 5, 2010

Jump Start!

I have always had an interest in journaling, but I don't like writing for extended periods of time. The longest I ever journaled consistently was for about two weeks. I would type my journal entry, print it, hole punch it, and place it into a three ring binder. After having to buy two or three ink cartridges within that two weeks, I stopped. Finally-an online journal.

The Title:
Blink! It comes from the song "Blink" by Revive. Click the youtube link at the top of the page to hear the song and read the lyrics!

What's going on in my life?
I just graduated from MS State University with a degree in Music Education in May. After much heartache of looking for a job, I decided to go back to school. In August, I will begin my pursuit to gain a master's degree in Music Ed at Ole Miss. I keep telling myself, "This is only for school." Although, I did go for a visit, and everyone was extremely friendly. I am actually super excited about going to Ole Miss this fall.

Recently, the Sunday School class that I attend got a new teacher. This teacher has been challenging us in many ways. We have been reading "Radical" by David Platt. This book is one that is hard to read but a must. Hard to read? On every page is a slap-in-the-face.
David Platt was given the chance to travel overseas to a country where Christianity is illegal; however, the people there would risk their lives each day to be able to hear about God's word. At one point on his trip, the people said to Platt, "Teach us the Old Testament." For the next few weeks, Platt and the crew traveled from Genesis to Malachi studying every word of the Old Testament. Once they had finished, a man spoke up and asked David Platt to teach them the New Testament. The people in Platt's true story were hungry for God's word.
Coach Richmond asked us this past Sunday, "How many of you are hungry for God's word?" Everyone in the class raised their hand. "How many of you have read the Old Testament through?" Two or three (of about 20) raised their hand. I believe the point was proven.

I have decided that I want to read the Bible through. I am going to read one chapter a day-starting with Genesis 1. It's going to take me a while, but I'm determined to do it. I'm going to need much much encouragement, so help me out, ya'll! Maybe you should read it with me! Are you up for the challenge?

Genesis 1
Just some scripture that jumped out at me...
v. 1-"In the beginning, God..." God is the Alpha and Omega-the beginning and the end. "In the beginning, God..." He didn't need any help. He spoke, and it happened. Pretty powerful person.
v. 27-"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." When you wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror, who do you see? Do you see a person that portrays an image of God?
v. 31-"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." This reminds me of a shirt that I've seen a few times. "I know I'm special because God don't make no junk!" v. 27 says God created man. v. 31 says it was good. God is proud of you! You're special-Don't act like junk!

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