Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today was rather uneventful. I went to Cafe on The Square with mom for lunch. That's always a good choice. Afterwards, I came home and I was texting Mr. Mangum. I am working the Clinton HS band camp in a few weeks and need to get the music. As I was texting him, my phone rang. It was Katy B. I called her about a week ago asking if Kosciusko needed any help with their band camp. She told me all of their spots were filled but mentioned a few other schools that I should call. One of those schools was Clinton. Thanks to her, I'm working their band camp. Anyways, Katy called me today saying that the color guard instructor had to back out. Therefore, Katy is going to teach the guard, and I'm going to take her place and teach the clarinets. I went to the school and got the music. They are doing a Spanish/Latin type show-I'm guessing. It's "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow as the opener. The ballad is "Time to Say Goodbye" by Andrea Bocelli. This song is absolutely beautiful. The closer is a Latin Jazz piece. It should be a pretty good show.
Tonight, I went with mom to Power Hour at the gym. Surprisingly, my arms held up pretty well. I was shocked at myself. However, my legs were pitiful. There was one point I had to take a rest because my legs just couldn't handle it anymore. I think it was because I had last eaten at lunch around 12, and Power Hour was at 5:30. I had swam this afternoon, too. I was just not prepared.
That was about the extent of my day. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Genesis 7
In the first 4 verses, God is telling Noah to take 7 of every clean animal and 2 of every unclean animal. What defines a clean or unclean animal?
Also, in v. 4 God says that in 7 days the rain will begin, and the earth will be wiped out. How many of us would have said, "But God..." 7 days! That's not very long. You mean to tell me I only have 7 days to get all of these animals onto this boat!? Plus, how are they all gonna fit? I need to have a registration where I can give the animals a room number and a key to their room. I just don't have the time! 7 days?!?!
Now, look at v. 5. "And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him." It doesn't say Noah complained. It doesn't say that Noah felt as if he didn't have enough time. It says Noah did what the Lord told him to do.
If you know anything about me, you know that I love water! I love to be in my pool. I love to go to the beach. I love to swim! I love watching the rain! I loving listening to thunder. I think lightning is beautiful! I love fish! I LOVE water! Despite how God was wiping out the planet and destroying everything that he had made, I can only think of how Noah must have been standing on the deck of the ark adoring this beautiful water. I'm sure Noah had seen lakes and ponds before. He had probably even seen the ocean. However, he had never seen it rain. He must have been in awe. I know that I would have.
On another view-I still want to know...If God sent this flood today, how many of us would be left? How many of us would be standing on the ark watching people fight for their lives? And how many of us would be in the flooded streets, climbing up buildings, trying to get above the waters so that we wouldn't die?

"...Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark."

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