Sunday, July 11, 2010

I could not concentrate in church, today. There were so many things going on around me that were so distracting. I'm going to try to make this rampage short. The fewer words I say-the less of an opportunity to put my foot in my mouth. However, I feel like something needs to be said.
First, there were adults that were talking the entire service! Can we grow up and sit quietly in church? Weren't you supposed to learn that when you were like 4 and weren't allowed to go to the nursery anymore?
There was a couple (HS students) sitting near me that kept looking at each other as if they were going to just do the deed right there. How appropriate for church!
There were two girls that had an iPod. Each of them had one of the head phones in their ear. I sure hope they were listening to some hymns...or a podcast of a sermon.
There was a JH student in about 6th or 7th grade that was laying in the floor coloring in a coloring book! How old are we? There's more to this story, but I shouldn't put it on here. It would be way too easy for you guys to know who I'm talking about.
All-in-all, I should not have even been at church. I think I could have learned more about God at a 3 ring circus. Seriously folks, think about what you're doing in church and how it affects those around you.

On a happier note...
In "Radical", we continued to discuss the American dream. "While the goal of the American dream is to make much of us, the goal of the gospel is to make much of God."
"...God actually delights in exalting our inability." When do we rely on God the most? When we need him the most. We mostly call on God when we realize that we can't do everything on our own. God puts us in situations to test us and see if we are going to rely on him or try to accomplish everything on our own. In the end, it always ends up the same way. God wins! "And in the end, he makes much of his name." Life would be so much easier if we just cut out the middle step of trying to do everything alone and just let God take over from the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. So I must say that I am appalled by what happened in church! I am so tired of how people come to church out of habit and obligation!'re going to worship the creator of the universe. The alpha and omega. The breath of life. Our savior. The Lord of Lords...but by what I've just read I don't feel that He is Lord over may lives. It seems to me that they are their own "lord".

    I was know Coach Richmond was saying one day he wants to take a group of us to David Platt's Secret Church...well why can't we just do our own? Isn't that the point? Why can't we just get Bro. Barry to announce that this Friday from 6 to midnight we're going to have bible study...and lets see how many people come. Not just come...but are attentive the whole time. Who take notes...not doodle...but notes! Who are saddened when he wraps it up...I doubt the point of Platt holding a secret church is so people from all over go to his...we should hold our our own churches! Let's get people fired up about The Word! Seriously...What do you think????
