Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NEW day!

Today, I woke up and went with mom to Louisville. My computer had been acting pretty crazy-which was nothing new, so we decided to get it fixed at a place there. It just seemed like a good idea before heading back to grad school. My computer runs like new! It's pretty awesome! I seriously don't ever remember it being this great! However, all of my programs and such deleted. I lost my Finale music writing program and iTunes.

Which on that note-I got a new phone, today! I was teaching swimming lessons last week, and I jumped in the pool and swam around for a few minutes before realizing that my phone was in my pocket. I was using mom's old phone for a few days, and it started acting crazy. I was going to go get a GoPhone, but my parents didn't want me to do that. Today, we went to AT&T, and my phone was eligable for an upgrade. So, I got an iPhone! :D I redownloaded iTunes and plugged in my iPod Touch to transfer my music to my computer. Only my purchased items transferred. I'm trying to find out how to transfer the music I got off of CDs back to my computer. Any help!?

I've been writing on this blog all day. Now, It's about 5 hours after when I wrote the first two paragraphs. It just hit me that I bought an external hard drive about a month ago. I just attempted to restore all of my music...Attempted. Key word. It didn't restore anything that I don't already have. :( Kinda upsetting. Oh well! I'm downloading Glee: Vol 3 and Glee: Journey to Regionals as I type this!

Genesis 2
This just hit me. Last night, I put on here about v. 27 of chapter 1 (male and female he created them). Now over in chapter 2, the Bible talks about how God made Eve from Adam's rib. I had always imagined that Adam and Eve were the only two people on the earth at this time-which may be so. But Chapter 1 says that God made male and female on the 6th day, and on the seventh day, God rested. Then, chapter 2 talks about the creation of Eve. Adam and Eve must have had friends. Just a thought. What do you think?

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