Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I came home from the Kosciusko band camp tonight and got on the computer to check my email and facebook. Then, I fell asleep on top of my laptop. HA! I am so tired. After that, I took a bath and talked to mom for a while, and now I'm updating my blog! YAY!
So camp....
It went pretty good again today. I had to go off on the clarinets that I am working with today. It was quite amusing to watch their faces. I haven't been able to go off on anyone since I finished student teaching! It made me happy. HA!

Genesis 10
This chapter tells about how Noah's sons and their sons "spread out over the earth after the flood."
At one point, the writer is talking about the Hamites (the children of Ham-the son of Noah). In the particular passage that I am talking about, the writer is specifically talking about Ham's son, Cush. It sounds a lot like an obituary. Have you ever thought of what your obituary might say when you die? What would you like it to say?
Points I would like my obituary to cover...
-my family
-my Christianity/my home church
-my home town
-my love for music
-my love for MSU
-the way I treated others

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