Thursday, July 8, 2010

Come on in, and Have a seat!

I'm not in a real writing mood tonight so this is going to be sentences that don't really link together.

-Went to Starkville with Mom and Dillon Myrick to get a couch.
-Painted 2 canvases to go above my couch (I'm not finished quiet yet, but I'm pretty close)
-Ate at Frenchie's (had bbq nachos with pork, but asked for them on french fries. yummy)
-Went walking with Mom and Josie Bain
-Went to Walmart and made cookies with Kati Bain
-Wrote on my blog
-Going to bed soon

Friend Comments!!!!!!!!!

Today, I got a message from Sheridan that reminded me of something that we had discussed a long time ago. In our Old Testament classes that we took, we learned that the Bible is written by many authors (duh!), and the Bible is not really in an order.
Therefore, when I was confused about "male and female" being created on the 6th day (in Genesis 1) and Eve being created after the creation (in Genesis 2)....It was probably 2 different authors. That make sense? If it doesn't text me. Lol.
Also, Amanda read my blog last night and made a pretty awesome comment to me.
"Talking about the serpent, snakes are gross! And it makes me wonder how the devil made the serpent to where Eve would talk to that. And how much does he do that to us? Put bad things in our lives that we normally would have nothing to do with, but we engage with it or whatever and it leads to sin and death."

Genesis 4
Okay. Some of the stuff that I'm thinking about in this passage really doesn't apply to what the story is actually about, but it made me think.
v. 7 "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" How many times is it that we do the wrong thing in order to be accepted? Maybe it's time to do the right thing and be an outsider. Try it for a change.
v. 15 "The Lord put a mark on cain so that no one who found him would kill him." I wonder if this was like a visible a tattoo looking thing. Or maybe kind of like how Harry Potter has that lighting bolt looking thing on his head?
v. 26 "At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord." I just like this verse.

P.S. Thanks for the positive comments from all of the people who have been texting me or facebooking me or whatever about my blog! It makes me happy to know that people are actually reading it. Today, I was told that my blog last night was "such an inspiration." That's awesome!

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