Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mom woke me up at 8 today, so we could go to visit Ole Miss. I talked to the saxophone professor there about getting more scholarship money. I'm going to be his assistant. I will help with one class each semester-one class of single reeds and one of double reeds. Also, I will set up the chairs for the jazz band. We worked it out the schedule, so I can still participate in the choir. I'm pretty excited. I have a little more news on that, but only my close friends can know that for now! HA! Since I'm going to Ole Miss this fall, I'm going to paint myself an Ole Miss canvas. I've got a MSU canvas that hangs in my room at school, right now. I found an Ole Miss canvas online that is real similar but different at the same time. I'm thinking I may paint the Ole Miss one and hang it next to my MSU one when I move to Oxford. I think it would look good! Plus, that's cheap decorating! I'm all for that! Here's a picture of the Ole Miss one. I wish I had a picture of my MSU one to put on here.
When mom and I got back to Kosciusko, we ate dinner with daddy at Wendy's and came home to clean the house for a Sunday School party. Guess how many people showed up! 2! The Sunday school teacher and the youth minister showed up. Yeah. Not a good turn out. It's kinda disappointing that people aren't hungry to learn something new about God. However, we were given the chance to talk about what's going on in my life, and I was able to get other peoples perspective on my life who are much wiser than I. Also, we were able to discuss some issues that are going on in our church/town. It was kind of hard to realize how much Kosciusko needs Jesus. I always thought of Kosciusko as being a Christian town, but I see it more as a "fake" town, now. It's kind of hard to swallow that.
On a more positive note, we were able to discuss a few ideas that we want to put together in order to grow our college ministry here in Kosy. I'm pretty excited about that. Life is Good! God is Better!

Genesis 3
There were several things that popped out at me in chapter 3.
First of all-snakes are gross. They are these nasty looking things that sliver on the ground in that icky curvy motion. And they have those scary little tongues. The only thing that could make a snake more scary is if it had legs. WHY WOULD EVE GO TALK TO HIM!?! Is she crazy!?
Second of all-I know this information is a little much, but I really enjoy getting out of the shower, wrapping up in a towel, and laying on the bed watching tv before I get dressed to go to town or wherever. How nice would it be to be able to do that everyday and not have to worry about getting dressed? We would have no need for polo and gap outlets. Nike and New Balance would be unheard of. Ya know?
Next-Women, if i hear you complain about PMS one more time, I'm going to pull out Genesis 3 and show it to you. Because your sista took that apple, your tail has to deal with that! Stop complaining!
And men, stop complaining about the heat. Stop complaining about how the grass needs cutting, the hedges need trimming, and the garden needs picking. If you weren't stupid to eat from that woman's apple, you wouldn't have to work. And since no one works, there's no need for money--which we wouldn't need to buy clothes anyway....
So, Question of the day...The serpent tells Eve in v. 4 "You will not die." He's talking about how God told Adam and Eve they'd die if they ate of that tree. Just FYI. Well, if they had not eaten of that tree, does that mean Adam and Eve would still be here on earth? We could be like "what up, bro?" Second question of the day-If they wouldn't have eaten of the tree and were not going to die, would there be no Heaven? I mean if no one died, they'd just stay here on earth? Or would you just be "taken" up to Heaven at the right time?
I have more questions than answers, but I don't really need to know all the answers right now. If I knew the answers, why would I need God? Right?
Just some thoughts! :D

In the words of my friend GloZell-Peace and Blessings!!!

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