Saturday, July 24, 2010

Moving All Around the World

I am so darn tired. A week of band camp followed by a full day of moving is not a good combination. The only thing that could make this a worse combination would be to have another week of band camp followed by another weekend of moving.
Oh wait! I do have another week of band camp and another weekend of moving! How fun!?! Volunteers would be greatly appreciated! Although, I doubt anyone will show up to help move! HA! Luckily, I think my brother and a friend of his are going to help my parents and me move next weekend!
The first photo is a photo of our trailer loaded down with my stuff! The second is the table that I'm taking to Oxford. My new apartment doesn't have a place big enough for me to put my table, so I'm trading tables with Corey for the next 2 years. LOL.
NOTICE: My car is also packed full of stuff, AND there is more stuff in the barn that I moved home last weekend. 3 WEEKENDS OF MOVING!!! :D
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Sad story....
I got finished loading all of my stuff, and mom and dad decided to go eat. I was not hungry though, so I headed home. As soon as I got in the car (with all of my belongings), I plugged my iPod in and hit my little AUX button, so I could sing REALLY LOUD the entire way home. (one of my favorite things ever! and don't do it, too!) I hit the shuffle button...the music started...The name of the song....
"Graduation" by Vitamin C
"I keep thinking that it's not goodbye. I keep on thinking it's our time to fly!"

Genesis 13
Once again, I greatly identify with what is going on. First off, Abram and Lot are moving all around. I am also moving all around. (However, I believe these 2 boys were moving a lot more than I.)
At one point, Abram's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen were not getting along. Therefore, they decided to move away from each other to stop all of the quarreling. I remember growing up with Corey who is 5 years older than I am. We seemed to fight all of the time. We fought about everything. Matter of fact, up until about 2 years ago, there was still a hole in the bedroom wall from where Corey threw my head through the wall. Then, there came a day when Corey left for college. He was at Holmes CC, and we seemed to get along much better by not seeing each other everyday. Later, he moved to Texas. Being 18 hours away from your brother is hard. We grew much much closer during that time. Our quarreling ceased, and we were able to come friends and not just brothers. I know we don't always get along now, but being apart was one of the best things that ever happened to us.
Once Abram and Lot decided to part ways, Abram moved near Sodom. This is another verse that jumped out at me. "The men of Sodom were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." Put your town in that verse. "The men of KOSCIUSKO were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." One I really like is "The men of OXFORD were wicked and sinning greatly against the Lord." (GO STATE!) I know this is talking about a group of people-and we obviously can't control other peoples actions. BUT! What are you doing to influence those around you? How are you acting when you are around "the men of Kosciusko" or "the men of Oxford"..."Starkville"..."Jackson". Wherever you may be-Wherever you may move to-Wherever you are- How are you influencing those around you?

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